Awaken your SOUL

Step into a deep and sacred healing space to enhance your love life and experience unconditional love for yourself and with your (future) partner

Unconditional Love

Step into a deep and sacred healing space to enhance your love life and experience unconditional love for yourself and with your (future) partner.


People who have already grown and transformed their love live


Has broken destructive relationship patterns

0+ years

Experience in helping people connect with their hearts on a profound level

Open your heart to Unconditional Love

You are ready

For a life where you experience Unconditiona Love

You may wish your partner would take on more responsibility, carrying you in times of need. You desire to embrace your feminine energy and not always be the strong one, wanting simply to "be" and fall into your partner's supportive embrace.

Or perhaps you feel there are no men strong enough to truly support you, and you often find that no one is willing to fully commit. While you value your independence, you also long to surrender into strong arms and feel like a cherished, vulnerable partner.

Maybe you realize you frequently step over your own boundaries because truly feeling what’s in your heart can be uncomfortable. Even though you have a great relationship, you understand there’s much more to learn about yourself.

beautiful young woman covered with fabric and blindfolded. double exposure concept

Relationships provide the most insightful mirrors and offer incredible opportunities for growth. By doing the inner work, you’ll discover the immense potential for personal development.

Embrace these lessons. Face the discomfort of self-discovery and step into deeper growth, ultimately finding unconditional love.

This journey not only connects you with yourself but also strengthens your bond with your (future) partner. From this place of connection, you become more than just partners—you become a team, supporting each other through both the good times and the challenging moments. That is unconditional love.

Be both a success and a work in process simultaneously….

You always strive to be the best version of yourself, driven by a desire to grow and connect more deeply with yourself and your (future) partner.

Doing the inner work is not always easy, but you can carry yourself through it. You remain an independent, powerful, and successful woman, even as you engage in deep personal growth.

Your business or career continues to thrive. Even while you delve into profound processes and face challenging truths, you can still achieve success.

Engaging in inner work doesn’t mean you’re a mess. Yes, you might experience grief, release anger, and confront uncomfortable truths, but you remain a star in all you do.

The best version of yourself

Your growth is an ongoing process, reaching deeper levels alongside the life you live. You can heal and continue to shine brightly at the same time!


House of Divine Love

We have dedicated hundreds of hours to education, self development and research on love. As certified coaches and therapists, we bring years of experience in regression and hypnotherapy, system therapy, trauma processing, inner child work, mindset coaching and enerywork.

What sets us apart is our personal journey from experiencing significant love pain to living our happiest lives. This firsthand experience gives us deep insight into what you are going through and what truly works. Over the years, we have helped thousands of women overcome their love pain.

As the leading experts in love, we believe that everyone can exerience Unconditiona Love! We warmly invite you to join.

Myra de Wildt, founder
Myra de Wildt, founder

Connecting on deeper levels with yourself, means not just knowing yourself but truly feeling yourself.


What is unconditional love?

Unconditional love means truly knowing yourself, trusting yourself, and feeling your intuition to guide your actions. It involves connecting effortlessly with your inner world, including your feelings, body, and soul. This kind of love requires setting safe boundaries and acting on them, while also having confidence and nurturing profound self-love. Taking care of yourself, maintaining an open heart, and being receptive are all essential. Acting from a place of love, looking into mirrors to embrace your inner growth, and continuously evolving are all integral aspects of unconditional love.

And then...

Open your heart to unconditional love with your (future) partner by becoming a true team together. This means being able to fully be yourself and establishing a deep, safe connection with each other. You feel secure with your partner because you first feel safe in your own body. Bonding like soulmates, you experience a sense that your partner supports and carries you no matter what. This profound connection brings out the best in both of you and enhances your intimacy, leading to a fulfilling sex life rooted in trust and safety. Both of you strive to be the best versions of yourselves, not only for your own growth but also to nurture and sustain a thriving, evolving relationship.


A space where you feel safe, where you are truly seen, and where you receive deep healing

Unconditional Love

+ Live teaching

You will receive live online teachings that help and guide you through various layers of personal growth, leading you to experience unconditional love.

+ Live healing & meditation sessions

We will provide you with live online healing, activation, or meditation sessions to support you through your deep healing processes and connect you with yourself on a deep level. 

+ Live Q&A's

We give you the opportunity to ask questions about what you're going through and provide guidance as you navigate your personal processes.

+ Support for your integration

Integration is the most important part of your healing process. It ensures that your healing is sustained and facilitates your transformation.

"I learned that I am not alone, that I deserve to be here, and that I need to take good care of myself, including setting aside 'me time.' Additionally, I gained insight into my recurring patterns, which helps me break them sooner. I now spend more time considering what I want and need.

Myra is a wonderful coach and therapist, an expert through experience, who genuinely listens, thinks along, and is very honest and sincere.

This space has been more beneficial to me than the six months I spent with a psychologist, who did not understand my situation and the associated challenges."



"I found this space very effective because it addressed many key areas. It helped me recognize my own behavior and patterns, and see that there are different ways to approach them.

Myra presented the material well, and I especially appreciated the interactive nature of the sessions. She is a very kind, clear, and honest guidance. Her personal experiences make the training come alive.

Myra made me realize that I need to pursue my own happiness and stop looking for excuses about why something isn't possible. I would definitely recommend this."



"I have learned so much about myself, growing and daring to choose my own light, heart, and happiness.

I gained profound insights into myself. Your guidance has empowered me to embrace my light, heart, and happiness.

Thank you for being such a beautiful, inspiring light for others, for sharing your stories, and for giving so much more than I could have ever imagined when I signed up for your training.

Thank you, Myra, especially for who you are! You are a beautiful woman!"



"This space taught me the importance of making time for everything, including yourself—it's a choice we can make. I learned that I am okay and that I am worth it. I have become more aware of my patterns and beliefs. Through this training, I've found more peace and space for myself and have become gentler with myself.

For all the women considering this: If you feel like you're just surviving, unsure how to find peace and space for yourself, and have lost sight of who you are beyond being a mother, then treat yourself to this space. It guides you through small steps towards awareness and provides many tools to help you move from merely surviving to truly living and being kind to yourself."



Unconditional Love

  • Monthly live teaching worth €2.497

    The purpose is to facilitate your personal growth by encouraging deep inner reflection and understanding yourself on a profound level. This process aims to develop genuine self-love, build confidence, and strengthen your intuition and guide you towards experiencing unconditional love.

  • Monthly live meditation, healing or activation worth €2.497

    Guiding you through deep healing processes. You'll release stored emotions, pain, sadness, and anger. This involves working on a deeper level of inner child healing, cutting cords from your generational trauma, opening your heart more profoundly, and guiding you to work with your own energy system.

  • Monthly Question & Answer session worth €2.497

    We will be helping you with the personal questions you have. 

  • Monthly Question & Answer sessions worth €2.497

    We will be helping you with the personal questions you have. 

  • Bonus: Monthly live sessions feminine energy worth €1.997

    These sessions will help you ground more deeply into your body, connect with your feminine energy, and feel safe and secure within yourself.

€ 2.997,- ex VAT
€ 1.111,- ex VAT (or 12 times €111 ex VAT)

This promotional price is valid for 2 days only

Unconditional Love Diamond

  • Same as above, plus:
  • Voxer (app) support by Myra worth €4.997

    You get direct access to Myra and can ask her any questions you have. She will provide you with feedback, insights and her personal guidance.

  • Weekly deepening tools worth €4.997

    In this special deepening group, Myra will provide you with advanced tools, channeled messages, and exclusive audios.

  • Suprise access to special spaces worth €4.997

    We will be helping you with the personal questions you have. 

€ 3.997,- ex VAT
€ 2.222,- ex VAT (or 12 times €222 ex VAT)

This promotional price is valid for 2 days only


These results collectively contribute to a deep and transformative experience, promoting growth, healing, and love on all levels

  • Deep personal growth: Facilitates profound inner reflection and understanding of yourself on a deep level.

  • Genuine self-love: Develops true self-love and compassion, allowing you to embrace and value yourself fully.

  • Increased confidence: Builds self-assurance and empowers you to take control of your life.

  • Enhanced intuition: Strengthens your intuitive abilities, helping you to trust and follow your inner guidance.

  • Emotional release: Helps you release stored emotions, pain, sadness, and anger, leading to emotional freedom.

  • Generational trauma healing: Assists in cutting cords from generational trauma, freeing you from inherited patterns.

  • Energetic work: Guides you to work with your own energy system, promoting overall well-being and harmony.

  • Integration & transformation: Provides tools and guidance for integrating and reflecting on your experiences, leading to deeper healing and transformation.

  • Connection to feminine energy: Helps you ground into your body, connect with your feminine energy, and feel safe within yourself.

  • Unconditional love: Guides you towards experiencing and embodying unconditional love for yourself and others.

Bonus: Therapeutic meditations (worth €997) like:

Releasing stored anger
Releasing stored pain
Dismantling your triggers
Inner child healing
Connecting with your heart
Breaking down your barriers
Reach your deepest emotions
Severing generational energetic cords

Good to know

You can access this space on your computer or through our special app, with live sessions held via Zoom.

You'll have access to all recordings and live sessions for 12 months. Your access will end automatically, and you can then decide whether you want to extend it.

How you love yourself, is how you teach others to love you

"My doctor is amazed by my development through this process. Myra is a genuinely warm person who truly has the passion to help us women deepen our relationship with ourselves."



"I learned to be myself, to accept my presence, to understand how and why I became who I am, how to heal this, how to reconnect with my body, and most importantly: to unconditionally feel that I love myself. Myra, infinite thanks for this beautiful inner journey."



"Since starting the process, I have recognized where certain beliefs and patterns originated in my childhood and have gained clarity about my boundaries. I now know and feel that I am worth so much more than how I have lived for years. Thank you, dear Myra, my life has become so much more beautiful since I began this process."



"Thank you for this beautiful journey. I am grateful for all the wonderful insights, lessons, and tears that have been shed. I have truly become a different Sandra. I never realized that, in addition to my outer appearance that always received so much attention, there was also an inner self crying out for attention."




€ 2.997,- -> € 1.111 ex VAT
(or 12 payments of €111 ex VAT)


€ 3.997,- -> € 2.222 ex VAT
(or 12 payments of €222 ex VAT)

* This promotional price is valid for 2 days only. After Sunday the price will go up to the pilot price (€1.997 / €2.997 ex VAT)*

Frequently asked questions

You will have access to all recordings and live sessions for 12 months. Your access will end automatically at the end of this period, and you can decide whether you want to extend it.

The schedule for live sessions may vary and can change throughout the year. We will do our best to choose days and times that accommodate everyone, but a perfect match for all may not always be possible.

Voxer is similar to WhatsApp but does not require sharing your phone number. We can send you voice messages, texts, photos, and files in real-time.

When you have access to the Diamond space, you can use the Voxer app to ask your questions to Myra. 

Yes, you can choose to pay in 12 installments. When you pay in once, you'll get 2 months of discount. 

The sessions will be held through Zoom.

The recordings of the sessions will be in our own learning environment through the "Huddle app." You'll find all training courses, assignments, exercises, and meditations available to you at any time of day. You'll also have access to the Community, where you can connect with other women, participate in meditations, complete assignments, and watch recordings of other sessions.

You can access our Uncondional Love Space via your laptop, computer, or phone, thanks to the app. This ensures that support and inspiration are always at your fingertips, whether you need a boost or are seeking guidance.

The Community will provide you with tremendous strength, as you're not alone in this journey. You'll stay inspired and motivated, with support readily available whenever you face challenges.

4o mini
The value you receive from this process far exceeds what individual sessions elsewhere can offer, as it addresses far more than any single session could. You'll have continuous support and access to the right help whenever you need it, including transformed meditations.

With this comprehensive support, you'll always have the assistance you need at every stage of your journey. The training allows you to delve deeply at your own pace from the comfort of your home, ensuring a safe and familiar environment.

Additionally, you can revisit the material and meditations as often as needed, facilitating continuous healing and growth. This approach helps you address your inner wounds, connect with your inner child, foster self-love, and overcome fears of attachment, abandonment, and codependency.

We guide you to heal yourself so your healing journey has an end date! 

We confidently assert that following this path and fully engaging with the process will lead to more significant and rapid progress compared to traditional methods.

As a member of the Space of Unconditional Love, you can book private sessions with Myra or with one of our specialized therapists.