Awaken your SOUL

We help you grow from a place of alignment by strengthening your heart connection, expanding your energy, and embracing the power of your feminine essence.

Awaken your SOUL

We help you grow from a place of alignment by strengthening your heart connection, expanding your energy, and embracing the power of your feminine essence.

You are always allignent, but with what?

Connect with your soul and feminine essence

On the outside, you have it all together. You’re a strong, capable woman; you’ve created a beautiful life with a fulfilling career or business, meaningful friendships, and maybe even a family. You’re doing great, truly.

And yet, deep down, you feel a pull, something is missing. A sense of true connection with yourself, your soul, and your feminine essence.

We’ll guide you to explore these deeper layers, helping you reconnect (more) with your heart, align with your inner self, and grow into the most authentic, radiant version of you.


It’s a journey of coming home to yourself

This is a space for those who are ready to reconnect with the deepest parts of their heart and connect with their soul.

You want to attract love and abundance by working with your own energy and always in soul allignment.

You’ll discover how to live in alignment with your feminine essence, create meaningful relationships and manifest a life that reflects your truest desires.


True Love

Perhaps you’ve felt the ache of repeating the same patterns, not being able to break through the ceiling. The longing for deep love, true connection, and a life that feels authentically yours can be both powerful and overwhelming. You’re not alone in this, that desire is your soul’s way of calling you back to yourself.

This is where transformation begins: by gently unraveling what’s holding you back and stepping into the woman you’re meant to be. A woman who creates from love, trusts her inner wisdom, and radiates the energy to attract the life and relationships she truly desires.

A Space to reconnect with who you truly are

This is your space to pause, breathe, and reconnect. In a world that constantly pulls you in every direction, we offer a sanctuary where you can explore who you are beyond the roles you play. It’s not about fixing yourself; it’s about rediscovering the beauty, strength, and wisdom that already live within you. Step into this journey and allow yourself to grow, expand, and thrive from a place of alignment and ease.

Our house is a sanctuary where you come home to yourself. Every room symbolizes a part of who you are, inviting you to explore, heal, grow and expand. As you journey through each space, you uncover deeper layers of your being. In the end, you find what truly matters: coming home to the essence of you.


How you can work with Myra:

Awaken your SOUL

Sacred Soul Journey

About Myra

Love has always been the central theme in my life. For a long time, I was in unhealthy relationships, caused by searching for love outside of myself, though I wasn’t aware of it at the time.

In 2013, when I looked into the big brown eyes of my little daughter, I realized something needed to change. I began my journey of personal development with one very important goal: finding myself and finding true love.

And true love I did find; first and foremost because I found love within myself.

I completed the education to become a multidimensional therapist and continued to develop myself further.

My path of self-development continued, working extensively with plant medicine, daily meditation, and integration.

From this point on, the frequency of my heart continued to rise. I developed the ability to help people release their trauma, burdens, and emotional baggage, opening their hearts through true energy frequency work.

Love is my legacy, and I’m here to help you discover and open your heart and connect you with your soul. 

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