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Feeling pain while your date is still in a relationship

Most of us know the feeling: experiencing pain while you’re in a relationship or dating. Why does this happen? Because you’re not getting what you deeply desire: love! Love, attention, appreciation, being seen, and so much more.

You want to feel supported by him, but it doesn’t feel that way, and that hurts.

You might think the answer is simple: just leave! But you don’t (or didn’t). Why not? Because you’re longing so much to get something from him that you stay, hoping it will happen.

Sometimes, you do get a little attention, and it gives you such a boost that you cling to those peak moments (or tiny peaks). You hope. You hope so deeply. That he will change. That he’ll finally see you (because you are amazing, after all), that he’ll be a little kinder, give you more attention, or say sweeter things to you.

But unfortunately… it doesn’t happen, and even though you’re in a relationship or dating, you feel alone.

If your best friend came to you with this story, you’d probably tell her right away to leave. You could give yourself the same advice, but that’s not how it works.

Why do you stay stuck in these situations and accept this in relationships or dating?

This is what you believe you deserve…

Thatโ€™s quite a tough truth, isnโ€™t it? Of course, in your mind, you know you deserve more, but your actions say otherwise. They show that you believe you don’t deserve more than what you’re getting now.

Itโ€™s not that simple, of course. Whatโ€™s happening underneath is that what you’re craving from the other person is actually what you need to give to yourself.

So, look at what you’re asking for from someone else. Love? Attention? Validation? Support? Respect?

Are you giving that to yourself?

Probably not, and thatโ€™s why you accept it when someone treats you in a way that, deep down, you know you deserve more.

Youโ€™re accepting the breadcrumbs, but girl, you deserve the whole loaf!!

Ready to start giving more to yourself so that love no longer feels like something you need but something that complements you? And by doing so, you’ll naturally attract the kind of love that just flows easily!

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